Unwanted Fat

Fat is the soft flesh on the bodies of people that helps keep the body warm. For all its cons, fat is used to store energy for our bodies for later.

What Causes Unwanted Fat? 

The cause of unwanted fat varies. It can depend as much on your personal definition of how much fat on your body is too much as it can on other lifestyle choices. 

Some known causes of unwanted fat include: 

  • Genetics: Some bodies are more inclined to cling to fat than others. This can be a sort of natural survival method in which certain body types store more fat for warmth and energy. 
    Lack of Exercise or
  • Change in Exercise: Maybe you used to hit the gym every day and that’s no longer an option. Maybe you stopped working out for an injury or other reason. Regardless, this can lead to unwanted body fat.
  • Poor Diet or Change in Diet: Diet has a part of how much fat our body stores. Excess energy will be stored by our body for later and some food contains more potential energy than others.
  • Changes in Sleep: Getting less sleep or even lower quality of sleep at night can also lead to weight gain, which in turn often leads to higher levels of unwanted fat.

If you are looking to diminish the look of fat on your body, the best option for you is FlexSure radiofrequency treatments.

Learn more about this treatment option below or contact our team to discuss a personalized treatment plan today.

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